COUNTIES Los Angeles Agoura Hills Arcadia Bel Air Beverly Hills Brentwood Burbank Calabasas Chatsworth Culver City El Monte Encino Gardena Glendale Granada Hills Hidden Hills Hollywood Long Beach Los Feliz Malibu Manhattan Beach Marina Del Rey Pacific Palisades Palos Verdes Estates Pasadena Playa Del Rey Playa Vista Redondo Beach Rolling Hills Santa Monica Sherman Oaks Studio City Tarzana Venice West Hollywood Westwood Wilshire Corridor Woodland Hills Monterey Big Sur Carmel Carmel Valley Monterey Moss Landing Pacific Grove Pebble Beach Napa County Angwin Calistoga Napa St Helena Yountville Orange County Anaheim Hills Corona Del Mar Coto De Caza Dana Point Fullerton Huntington Beach Irvine Ladera Ranch Laguna Beach Laguna Hills Laguna Niguel Newport Beach Newport Coast North Tustin Orange San Clemente San Juan Capistrano Seal Beach Tustin Villa Park Yorba Linda Riverside Bermuda Dunes Canyon Lake Coachella Corona Desert Hot Springs Indian Wells La Quinta Mountain Center Murrieta Palm Desert Palm Springs Rancho Mirage Riverside Temecula Thermal San Diego Cardiff By The Sea Carlsbad Coronado Del Mar Encinitas Fallbrook La Jolla Oceanside Poway Rancho Santa Fe San Diego Solana Beach Valley Center San Francisco District 1 - Northwest District 10 - Southeast District 2 - Central West District 3 - Southwest District 4 - Twin Peaks West District 5 - Central District 6 - Central North District 7 - North District 8 - Northeast District 9 - Central East San Mateo Belmont Brisbane Burlingame Hillsborough Menlo Park Portola Valley Redwood City San Carlos South San Francisco Woodside Santa Barbara Carpinteria Goleta Montecito Santa Barbara Santa Ynez Solvang Summerland Santa Clara Campbell Cupertino Gilroy Los Altos Los Altos Hills Los Gatos Milpitas Monte Sereno Morgan Hill Mountain View Palo Alto San Jose Santa Clara Saratoga Sunnyvale Sonoma County Bodega Bay Cloverdale Glen Ellen Healdsburg Jenner Kenwood Occidental Petaluma Russian River Santa Rosa Sea Ranch Sebastopol Sonoma Windsor Ventura County Bell Canyon Camarillo Lake Sherwood Moorpark Newbury Park Oak Park Oak View Ojai Oxnard Santa Paula Simi Valley Somis Thousand Oaks Ventura Home > Napa County > AngwinAngwin, Napa County Homes Homes16 Condos0 Lease1 Income0 Land1 Comunity Forty (10) Comunity (5) Forty Seven (220) Comunity Seven (15) Comunity Two (53) Twenty Seven (36) Forty Seven (4) Comunity (11) Comunity Seven (43) Twenty Seven (36) Forty Seven (4) Comunity (11) Comunity Seven (43) Sort: New ListingsPrice (Low to high)Price (High to low)Year built NewestYear built OldestLiving Area Sq.Ft.Lot Size Lease $1,895/month Built in 1932 Studio 1Bath 400 sq.ft. 420 Howell Mountain Rd, Angwin, CA Results 1 - 1 of 1Angwin, CA Homes and Condos for Rent